RTEF Flower/Plant Sale

The River Trails Education Foundation is bringing back their annual Flower and Plant Sale after a pause due to the pandemic. 

This year's beautiful flowers and plants come from Michigan. Orders can be placed online and are due by Monday, April 11. The pick-up day is set for Saturday, May 7, the Saturday before Mothers' Day, from 9 a.m to 11 a.m at River Trails Middle School.

Proceeds from the sale will go toward enrichment programs for the district that are not funded through typical tax funds and other channels. Past fundraising efforts have been able to provide library carts for Prairie Trails School, several teacher grants, a $15,000 donation to the RTMS science lab, and steel drums for the RTMS band. The annual Flower and Plant Sale is the RTEF's largest fundraiser.

You can learn more about the RTEF on our website.