Parent Teacher Council
Meeting Dates
All meetings are held at 7 p.m. in the RTMS office conference room.
Wednesday, September 28th, 2022
Wednesday, October 19th, 2022
Wednesday, November 30th, 2022
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Wednesday, March 15th, 2023
Bylaws of the River Trails School District 26 Parent Teacher Councils
Article I – Name
The name of the organization shall be the River Trails Middle School Parent Teacher Council (PTC).
Article II – Purpose
The council is organized for the purpose of: promoting the welfare of children in school, home and our community; bringing the relationship of home and school together so that parents and teachers can join together in the education of our children; creating a bond between the community and our children so that the community felt its responsibility to educate its children to their best possible potential; encouraging parent involvement in the schools, district and the Board of Education; raising the necessary funds to run the PTC’s programs and activities that enrich the children’s education and promote social interaction; raise additional funds to enhance school facilities or programs.
Article III – Members
Section 1. Any parent, guardian, or other adult standing in loco parentis for a student at the school may be a member and shall have voting rights. The principal, any teacher, and any staff employed at the school may be a member and have voting rights.
Section 2. Dues, if any, will be established by the executive board.
Article IV – Officers and Elections
Section 1. Officers. The officers shall be a president (which can be a shared position), vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
a. President. The president or presidents shall preside over meetings of the organization and executive board, prepare the agenda for monthly meetings, serve as the primary contact for the principal, represent the organization at meetings outside the organization, serve as an ex officio member of all committees, coordinate the work of all the officers and committees so that the purpose of the organization is served, attend the District 26 Presidents’ Committee meetings as scheduled, meet at least twice annually with the District Superintendent of Schools, have the ability to disburse funds up to $100.00 without a Board vote providing details are presented at the next monthly meeting, and have the ability to disburse funds up to $250.00 with a phone/email vote of Board members providing details at the next monthly meeting.
b. Vice President. The vice president shall assist the president and carry out the president’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve. The vice president also keeps the volunteer list.
c. Secretary. The secretary shall keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes, distribute the agenda, handle correspondence, and send notices of meetings to the membership. The secretary also keeps a copy of the minutes book, bylaws and any other necessary supplies, and brings them to meetings
d. Treasurer. The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board. He or she will present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the executive board, and make a full report at the end of the year. He or she will present a budget for the school year at the first fall meeting of the PTC. He or she shall be responsible for verifying any cash receipt over $400 with the president and/or committee head.
Section 2. Nominations and Elections. Elections will be held at the second to last meeting of the school year. The slate shall be presented at a meeting held one month prior to the election. At that meeting, nominations may also be made from the floor. Voting shall be by voice vote if a slate is presented. If more than one person is running for an office, a ballot vote shall be taken.
Section 3. Eligibility. Members are eligible for office if they are members in good standing before the slate is presented.
Section 4. Terms of Office. Officers are elected for one year and may serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office. Each person elected shall hold only one office at a time.
Section 5. Vacancies. If there is a vacancy in the office of president, the vice president will become the president. At the next regularly scheduled meeting, a new vice president will be elected. If there is a vacancy in any other office, members will fill the vacancy through an election at the next regular meeting.
Section 6. Removal from Office. Officers can be removed from office with or without cause by a two-thirds vote of those present (assuming a quorum) at a regular meeting where previous notice has been given.
Article V – Meetings
Section 1. Regular meetings. The regular meetings of the organization shall be determined by the executive board and held monthly.
Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the president, any two members of the executive board, or five general members submitting a written request to the secretary. Previous notice of the special meeting shall be sent to the members at least 10 days prior to the meeting, by flyer and/or phone calls.
Section 3. Quorum. The quorum shall be 4 members of the organization.
Article VI – Executive Board
Section 1. Membership. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers.
Section 2. Duties. The duties of the Executive Board shall be to transact business between meetings in preparation for the general meeting, create standing rules and policies, create standing and temporary committees, select chairpersons for said committees, prepare and submit a budget to the membership, approve routine bills, and prepare reports and recommendations to the membership.
Section 3. Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held monthly to be determined by the board. Special meetings may be called by any two board members, with 24 hours notice.
Article VII – Committees
Section 1. Membership. Committees may consist of members and board members, with the president acting as an ex officio member of all committees.
Section 2. Standing committees. The following committees may be held by the organization: Back to School Breakfast, Bake Sale, Box Tops, Class Picnics, Cultural Arts, Conference Dinners, Fall Dance, 8th Grade Dance, Got2Run, Pack the Place, Picture Day, Rec Night, Restaurant Fundraisers, School Supply Kit, Spirit Wear, Student Directory Teacher Appreciation, Volunteer, etc.
Section 3. Committee chairperson. Committee chairpersons are appointed on a volunteer basis by the Executive Board. Each committee chairperson shall be responsible for overseeing and implementing the goal work plan of the committee, obtain approval from school principal before distributing any communication or notices to teachers or students, keep minutes/data regarding committee activities, prepare and present written status report to the PTC at each monthly meeting, keep records and reports of all pertinent information which shall be transferred to their successors. In the event the chairperson will be absent from a monthly meeting, he or she shall provide the president with a written report for presentation at the monthly meeting. A delegated committee member may also present at the monthly meeting. It is recommended that a chairperson serve no longer than two (2) consecutive terms. If there is not a volunteer to replace an existing committee chair after a two (2) year term, said committee chair may continue on in his/her role with Executive Board approval.
Article VII – Presidents’ Committee
Section 1. Members. In River Trails School District 26, there exists a Presidents’ Committee. This committee is comprised of the presidents (and co-presidents) of all PTC Council organizations at RTSD 26 schools.
Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of this Presidents’ Committee is to exchange information regarding issues and events happening at District 26 schools; facilitate communication between the PTC groups; build a sense of community within District 26; and support one another’s efforts (fundraising and otherwise). It is the goal of this Presidents’ Committee to conduct at least one District Wide PTC sponsored Family Fun Event, and one fundraiser per year for the purpose of community building.
Section 3. Meetings. The Presidents’ Committee shall meet on an as needed basis, but at least quarterly. The Presidents’ Committee shall meet at least twice a year with the sitting District 26 Superintendent of Schools.
Article IX – Finances
Section 1. A tentative budget shall be drafted in the spring for each school year and approved by a majority vote of the members present in the fall.
Section 2. The treasurer shall keep accurate records of any disbursements, income, and bank account information.
Section 3. The board shall approve all expenses of the organization. The President, or in his/her absence the Vice President, shall approve and sign off on all check request forms presented to the Treasurer for payment/reimbursement in a timely manner.
Section 4. Authorized signers on bank accounts shall be the president and treasurer.
Section 5. The treasurer shall prepare a financial statement to be reviewed by the membership at the first meeting of the school year.
Section 6. Upon the dissolution of the organization, any remaining funds should be used to pay any outstanding bills and, with the membership’s approval, spent for the benefit of the school.
Section 7. The fiscal year shall run August 1st through July 31st.
Article X – Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings when they are not in conflict with the organization’s bylaws.
Article XI – Standing Rules
Standing rules may be approved by the Executive Board, and the secretary shall keep a record of the standing rules for future reference.
Article XII – Dissolution
The organization may be dissolved with previous notice (14 calendar days) and a two-thirds vote of those present at the meeting.
Article XIII – Amendments
These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting, providing that previous notice was given in writing at the prior meeting and then sent to all members of the organization by the secretary. Notice may be given vial postal mail, email for fax. Amendments will be approved by a two-thirds vote of those present, assuming a quorum.
Addendum to River Trails Middle School By-Laws
COMMUNITY RELATIONS 8:90 Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs
Parent organizations and booster clubs are invaluable resources to the District's schools. While parent organizations and booster clubs have no administrative authority and cannot determine District policy, the Board of Education welcomes their suggestions and assistance. Parent organizations and booster clubs may be recognized by the Board and permitted to use the District's name, a District school's name, or a District school's team name, or any logo attributable to the District provided they first receive the Superintendent or designee's express written consent. Consent to use one of the above-mentioned names or logos will generally be granted if the organization or club has by-laws containing the following: 1. The organization's or club's name and purpose, such as, to enhance students' educational experiences, to help meet educational needs of students, to provide extra athletic benefits to students, to assist specific sports teams or academic clubs through financial support, or to enrich extracurricular activities. 2. The rules and procedures under which it operates. 3. An agreement to adhere to all Board policies and administrative procedures. 4. A statement that membership is open and unrestricted, meaning that membership is open to all parent(s)/guardian(s) of students enrolled in the school, District staff, and community members. 5. A statement that the District is not, and will not be, responsible for the organization's or club's business or the conduct of its members. 6. An agreement to maintain and protect its own finances. 7. A recognition that money given to a school cannot be earmarked for any particular expense. Booster clubs may make recommendations, but cash or other valuable consideration must be given to the District to use at its discretion. The Board of Education's legal obligation to comply with Title IX by providing equal athletic opportunity for members of both genders will supersede an organization or club's recommendation. 8. The Board reserves the right to distribute funds equitably across the District. Permission to use one of the above-mentioned names or logos may be rescinded at any time and does not constitute permission to act as the District's representative. At no time does the District accept responsibility for the actions of any parent organization or booster club regardless of whether it was recognized and/or permitted to use any of the above-mentioned names or logos. The Superintendent shall designate an administrative staff member to serve as the recognized liaison to parent organizations or booster clubs. The liaison will serve as a resource person and provide information about school programs, resources, policies, problems, concerns, and emerging issues. Building staff will be encouraged to participate in the organizations.