Carie Cohen
Assistant Superintendent for Student Services
Phone: (224) 612-7304
Fax: (847) 297-4124
Email: ccohen@rtsd26.org
Welcome to River Trails District 26's Student Services Page. The Student Services Department provides support to the district in a variety of ways. Our school based teams provide leadership in the referral and evaluation process in accordance with both IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) for specialized services, and Section 504 (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973). This department also supports students through a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) model and seeks to put tiered services in place for any student who struggles academically, socially, or behaviorally in the general education environment. We strive to build positive partnerships with district, homeschool and private school families to provide resources to ensure student success. If you have any additional questions, please contact Dr. Carie Cohen, Asst Superintendent for Student Services, at 224-612-7304 or ccohen@rtsd26.org
Screenings and Evaluation Requests
Early Childhood Screenings: RTSD26 offers free developmental screenings for any 3 or 4 year old suspected of having a disability or developmental delay and lives within district boundaries. If you are concerned that your child has a delay in vision, hearing, motor skills, language, cognition and/or social-emotional skills, call 224-265-9900 to make a screening appointment at Prairie Trails. Your child must be at least 3 years old at the time of screening. Click here for developmental milestones from the CDC.
Kindergarten Through 8th Grade: Evaluations are provided at each district school. Parents may request and evaluation through their homeschool by contacting a building administrator. Evaluation requests should be made in writing. The school is required to respond to the request within 10 days.
RTO (Restraint and Time out) Plan: The plan includes the required components of an oversight committee, staff training on deescalation and prevention techniques, targeted training in the use of Non-Violent Crisis Intervention, development of individual student plans based on needs and parent communication. For additional information regarding our 2024-25 RTO plan, please contact Dr. Carie Cohen, Asst Superintendent for Student Services, at 224-612-7304 or ccohen@rtsd26.org
Timely & Meaningful Consultation Presentation: River Trails District 26 will share its annual required Timely & Meaningful Consultation presentation in collaboration with St. Emily's administration. Parents of students that attend St. Emily's, service providers for students living within Euclid's boundaries, and parents of students that are home-schooled are invited to attend on Tuesday, May 6th @ 1:30. Please RSVP to Mrs. Perez at aperez@rtsd.org for details.