The District has contracted with Grand Prairie Transit to provide student transportation. Bus status questions (route information, pick-up times, complaints, etc.) should be addressed to Grand Pairie Transit's dispatch center at (847) 640-2142.
River Trails School District 26 offers transportation to and from school for all students either residing more than half of a mile from school or in a hazardous area. There is no transportation available for students living within a half a mile from school (unless residing in a hazardous area). The State of Illinois prescribes the conditions governing school bus operations.
Your child MUST have a bus pass to ride the bus and show it to the driver every time they board the bus. If you believe your child should have received a bus pass but have not gotten one in the mail, please contact the Transportation Coordinator.
You can find a list of morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off times (including the late start on Thursdays) at the bottom this page. Select the "Bus Routes and Pickup/Dropoff Times" folder in the Documents section below. As always, please make sure your child is at their bus stop 5-10 minutes BEFORE the scheduled pickup time. This prevents a child from having to run for the bus, and allows for slight variations in bus arrival times.
Safety is the highest priority of the transportation department. We ask for your cooperation with school personnel in implementing proper behavior patterns for those pupils who ride the bus. You can assist us by reading and explaining the Bus Rider’s Safety Handbook with your child before the start of school.