The River Trails School District 26 Board of Education held a meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2023 at River Trails Middle School. A full recording of the meeting is available for viewing on our YouTube page.
Here are the highlights:
- The board voted on the consent agenda, which included the hiring of Ms. Melissa Naples as the Assistant Principal of Indian Grove for the 2024-25 school year.
- Mr. Zachary Scipione gave RTEA comments
- Board communications talked about dinners they had with staff, the recent music events, the River Trails Education Foundation plant sale coming up, the NSSEO board meeting and bingo, the Pack the Place event at RTMS, and the upcoming Shrek Musical
- District Recognition showcased the work that our Food Services team is doing across the district
- Dr. Carie Cohen gave an intruduction to training on Trauma informed practices, and Mrs. Kristine Seifert joined her to give the Curriculum Cycle Updates
- Business Services gave information on Architect Fees, which were approved by the board, and a Review of Staffing Plans for the 24/25 School Year was given
- During the Operations Committee update, the Construction Timeline was shared by Mr. Rognstad, the board approved the Euclid School furniture proposal , the Indian Grove roof bid and construction manager. Information on infrastructure cost estimate and Renew American Schools Microgrid Grant was shared
- Committee reports were given from NSSEO, Wellness Committee, Benefits Committee, and Public Relations Committee
- The president’s report discussed upcoming events across the district
- The Superintendent report talked about bond hearing about pre-pricing, RTEF Plant Sale, Registration and residency verification day, Fuel up to Play 60 Day, and staffing.
The next regular board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 16 at Prairie Trails School. You can email the board at