April 16 Board Meeting Recap

April 16 Board Meeting Recap

The River Trails School District 26 Board of Education held a meeting on Tuesday, April 16, 2023 at Prairie Trails School. A full recording of the meeting is available for viewing on our YouTube page.

Here are the highlights:  

  • The board voted on the consent agenda, which included the staffing plan for the 2024-25 school year, and SEL and Spanish Curriculum Purchases. 
  • The board approved Mr. Kyle Henkel as the RTMS Principal, beginning in the 2024-25 school year 
  • Mr. Bob Kastner gave RTEA comments 
  • Board communications talked about several events that have happened throughout the district, including muffins with munchkins at Euclid,board dinners with staff members, the Capannari Ice Cream fundraiser for Indian Grove, the Shrek Musical, and the regional band showcase for RTMS. 
  • District Recognition showcased the work that Prairie Trails students are doing, including singing the school song and coding. 
  • Mrs. Amy Veytsman and Ms. Natalie Hudson gave an update on Prairie Trails and their building goals.
  • Business Services gave an update about construction timelines, and voted to approve the Extra Duty Stipend Proposal for 2024-25 school year.  
  • Committee Reports were given from Public Relations  about the Chicago Dogs game event and discussion on community outreach for next school year, NSSEO  budget was presented and approved
  • President's report  talked about upcoming events, including the RTMS Spring Music Concert on May 1, Euclid Music Sharing for grades 4 and 5 on May 2, and IG Music Sharing for grades 1 and 2 on April 18, and 8th grade graduation at Hersey High School on May 21.
  • Superintendent's report  discussed the consolidated district plan, the board meeting schedules for next year and school board governance.  

The next regular board meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 7 at River Trails Middle School. You can email the board at boe@rtsd26.org