August 13 Board Meeting Recap

August 13 Board Meeting Recap

The River Trails School District 26 Board of Education held a meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at River Trails Middle School. A full recording of the meeting is available for viewing on our YouTube page.

Here are the highlights:  

  • The board voted on and approved the consent agenda, which included Board of Education meeting minutes, personnel report, actual payroll, bills and checks, and curriculum and instruction materials 
  • Board Communication discussed the district new staff orientation  
  • District Recognition showed appreciation for our community partners, including the Mount Prospect Library, Mount Prospect Fire Department, and the River Trails Nature Center 
  • RTEA Comments were given by Mr. Bob Kastner 
  • Education Services gave a recap of the Summer School program 
  • Business Services discussed a construction update on the progress at Euclid and Indian Grove  
  • Mrs. Freedlund gave the policy committee report, which detailed the new press packet readings 
  • Mr. Rognstad gave the NSSEO update, which discussed construction updates at Miner School, the start of school, the strategic plan and staffing 
  • The President’s report talked about upcoming events, including the first day of school, welcome back bashes, and upcoming board meetings 
  • Superintendent’s report gave an update on back to school 
  • Future topics discussed topics for board self evaluation, and the upcoming Triple-I conference  

The next regular board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10 at River Trails Middle School. You can email the board at