The River Trails School District 26 Board of Education held a meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2024 at Euclid School. A full recording of the meeting is available for viewing on our YouTube page.
Here are the highlights:
- At 6:30PM, the board went into closed session to discuss personal matters
- The board voted on and approved the consent agenda, which included Board of Education meeting minutes, personnel report A, actual payroll, bills and checks, travel report, Press Packet 117, and Illinois Vision 2030 Resolution.
- The board further discussed and voted on personnel report B and voted to table the Chromebook Purchase Plan
- A public hearing was held concerning the intent of the board to sell not exceeding $4,800,000 of working cash fund bonds
- RTEA Comments were given by Mr. Bob Kastner
- Board Communication discussed the euclid facilities, a dinner with RTEA board members and that they were happy that kids were back in school
- Ms. Karen Daly, Principal of Euclid School, gave an update on building goals
- The board voted on the issue not to exceed $4,800,000 of working cash fund bonds of the District, which was approved
- Mr. Berry reviewed the Transportation Bid information, in which he recommended the Board award the 5 year contract to Cook Illinois, Grand Prairie Transit. This was approved.
- The FY24 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report was presented. The Board voted on and approved the FY24 CAFR as presented.
- Mr, Berry presented the FY26 Budget Timeline for review
- Mr. Rognstad gave the NSSEO update, which discussed the initial summary of strategic planning
- The President’s report talked about upcoming events, including Chicago Wolves Game, Operations committee meeting, create a cuddly event at Prairie Trails, Euclid Fun Fair, and the next board of education meeting
- Dr. Megerle gave a midyear update in the superintendent’s report
- In future topics, the board discussed the upcoming North Cook dinner
The next regular board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11 at Prairie Trails School. You can email the board at