The River Trails School District 26 Board of Education held a meeting on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at River Trails Middle School. A full recording of the meeting is available for viewing on our YouTube page.
Here are the highlights:
- At 6:30PM, the board went into closed session to discuss personal matters.
- The board voted on and approved the consent agenda, which included 2/11/25 Board of Education, closed session and meeting minutes, 2/18/25 Board of Education Special Meeting and close session meeting minutes personnel report, actual payroll, bills and checks, declassification of minutes, destruction of tapes, RTMS Furniture Purchase Phase 2,Technology Department Reorganization, and Technology MOA.
- RTEA Comments were given by Mr. Bob Kastner.
- Board Communication discussed all 3 RTMS music concerts,the upcoming musical at RTMS, Indian Grove Literacy Night, Pack the Place, McTeacher Night, Fuel up Day at RTMS, the board receiving the IASB Board governance award and years of service on the board.
- During District Recognition,the FY25 School District Library Grant and Those Who Excel Nominees were showcased.
- A technology update from across the district was presented by Ms.Duell.
- Ms. Duell reviewed the recommendation for the ERate equipment purchase.The board approved it.
- Mr. Berry gave information on the electricity contract. This will be voted on in the consent agenda next month.
- Information was given on the solar panel contract, which was voted on by the board and approved.
- Mr. Rognstad gave the NSSEO update, which discussed proposed governance organization.
- The Public Relations Committee discussed the sharing of the calendar and attending of events, doing a Chicago Dogs game on 8/17, Brewing with the Board, and an upcoming summer spirit wear contest, and the Indian Grove ribbon cutting
- In the RTEF update, given by Mr. Camardo, gave information on upcoming plant sale to fund student fine art field trips
- The President’s Report talked about upcoming events, including IG music sharing and construction meeting, RTMS fine arts production, the next board meeting and spring break.
- Dr. Megerle talked about upcoming summer school and camps, as well as the Parent Teacher Advisory committee in the superintendent’s report
The next regular board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 8 at River Trails Middle School. You can email the board at